Allentown – Day 1

August 5, 2017 11:00 AM Allentown brings out the best in drum corps. All the corps on last night were really on their game. I had a blast sitting in the epicenter of sight and sound at section R, row 9, seat 11. Boom! I will leave the reviews and judgments up to others. However, the one exception that I will make is to … Continue Reading →

Tour of Champions in Chester

August 4, 2017 12:00 Midnight I am back at the hotel, too restless to sleep. I now realize what a small world drum corps can be. I met George and Cathy – drum corps fans at the VIP gathering. BTW the food was great including the ice cream. They invited me to join them at their table and we enjoyed a fruitful discussion on … Continue Reading →

Smoke in Clifton, NJ

 August 2, 2017 – 2:45 PM Well, I caught up with the BAC at Mount Olive High School, in New Jersey just as I left them in Muncie, Indiana – in the pouring rain. The roads are flooded and I have been sitting in my car in the parking lot for quite a while due to the heavy downpours. I am not sure what … Continue Reading →

I’m Running Away with the Drum Corps – Part II

This is a continuing series of posts following my initial adventure  – I Ran Away with the Drum Corps. July 26, 2017 – Anticipation Here I find myself again, sitting along the Mill Brook contemplating my next drum corps tour, a six day run of shows where I will get a chance to catch up with the Boston Crusaders (BAC) again. Perhaps you read … Continue Reading →

I Ran Away with the Drum Corps – June 2017

This is a personal reflection of a summer vacation as an intern-volunteer with the Boston Crusaders (BAC), a world class drum and bugle corps. It started out as a daily blog. I have compiled my daily entries here into this diary-style essay.  June 21, 2017 – Along the Mill Brook As I sit in my comfortable, humble abode along the Mill Brook, I am … Continue Reading →