On to Allentown for DCI 2024

August 2, 2024 – Easton, Pennsylvania

By the grace of the road angles, I have completed most of my journey to Allentown. Being ahead of my schedule, I decided to take a break here at the National Canal Museum in Easton, Pennsylvania. As a transportation history buff and a runner back in the day, this was a special place to stop for a nice run at a fast mule pace along a historic water-level trade route in Central PA. Coal was the main commodity. Today, I walked at the mule pace for a stretch then found this picnic table in the pavilion. Today is a rainy day. Not sure what it will be like at show time but the forecast is not good with 90 percent chance of T-storms. I will worry about that later.

Now, let me catch up with you on the Boston area competition last night. Once again, it was a perfect night for drum corps. Perhaps it was a little too humid, but no rain was fortunate. The East Coast Showcase featured a great line-up of corps. Of course, the Crusaders Senior Corps brought out the colors, and after the National Anthem, we were treated to a short session of standards. Kudos to the old guard and the great solos. While the ole boys were on the field, a massive entourage was assembling. The Troopers looked like they meant business. And, they did! Much like at NightBEAT, the stadium erupted to the triumphant “When Johny Comes Marching Home” riff at the closer. Hero conquers the Devil for a happy ending. Next, it was the Cavaliers who showed flesh and blood and the softer side that lay beneath the armor. Oh, how these performers are getting good! My first viewing of the Santa Clara Vanguard since Nervanna in Indianapolis in 2022 was a pleasure. It wetted my eyes and whetted my appetite for more viewings of Vagabond. This is a show title and theme that I can identify with as I slept in the car last night and this morning along the way here.

The slugfest between Carolina Crown continued to favor the Boston Crusaders who came out on top, but it would be hard to argue which corps is the better at this level. Both shows completely overwhelmed the senses and entertained the living cr__ out of us. I lingered after the show in the stands to let them drain out and converse with friends, Ron and Nancy, who I invited to attend their first drum corps show. Success, more drum corps fan converts were born.

It is time to head out of this fine, quiet park and complete the journey to the Hamilton Family Diner near the stadium, where I can reserve two parking spots. Not sure when, but I’ll try to connect again soon.

August 3, 2024 – Allentown, Pennsylvania

Thank you, Mother Nature! We were spared the storms that were threatening in the area. It was another fine night for drum corps. In fact, Mother Nature provided a cloud show during the colorful sunset. Fitting for such a late-summer Allentown night of Drum Corps. There is something magical about the J. Birney Crum Stadium. The first night of DCI Allentown went off like magic. All corps performed at their top ability. I imagine that the members look forward to arriving in the cool shade of the mature trees in Cedar Creek Park. Converging with other corps that they may or may not have interacted with previously during the season, the members disembark to prepare for the show. Friends are found, friends are made. Usually, it is cool; today, it was not. Good thing they are all used to heat and humidity after the tour of Texas and the South.

Genesis, Music City, The Academy, Blue Knights, and Pacific Crest brought their well-crafted and practiced shows to get the crowd primed. Everyone received a standing ovation for their late-season proficiency and fun depiction of their themes. As each of the following corps performed, the quality of sound and visual movements became increasingly clear and precise, as the slotting was based on the previous scoring. Capping the evening was another stellar performance from the Bluecoats, who continued their undefeated streak in 2024. The Blue Devils, the perennial winners, narrowed the gap but remain ranked in second place. The Colts took third place. It was great to see how this show has grown and improved since seeing them in the early season in the Midwest. The Cavaliers continued to reveal their inner selves, and the Madison Scouts showed the world their competitive selves. All in all, it was perfect Allentown.

Now, it is time for my annual golf match with friends at Fox Hollow Country Club. It is hot. I will probably get caught up in pre- and post-show merriment, so I will try to catch up with you on the other side of Allentown on Saturday. Hang in there, and stay hydrated.

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